The shoots are stout and brown, with alternate winter buds
which are reddish and covered by a single closed scale. The leathery leaves are
set alternately. On opening they are khaki color, but later they are glossy
green on top, paler underneath. They are
palmately veined, usually with five lobes and have stipules united to form a
long tube-like stalk.
The globular flower heads (‘bobbles’ or seed balls) dangle
on long stalks in June, male and female being separate but on the same tree.
The minute individual stalkless green flowers radiate from a central base. The
developed fruits are clustered to form a ball, about three-quarters of an inch
in diameter, spiky with the remains of the styles. These brown ‘bobbles’ remain
dangling on the otherwise bare tree throughout the winter, and break up in the
following spring, releasing the individual fruit which resembles a tiny
four-sided club, with the style projecting from the top and a parachute-like
ring of hairs attached to the bottom.